Sunday, 18 May 2014


I've had enough of men trying to tell us (women) that we should guard our modesty, we should cover our aurah etc. Now let me shift the focus to men.

Looking at men these days, with the influence of social networking sites and the advancement of smartphones, and the number of pretty women are increasing, I have doubts in trusting them (if inshaAllah I'll get married to one) regardless whether he's a practicing muslim or not.

Why? Because Rasulullah said the biggest fitnah to men is women. Yes, we should cover our aurah, yes, we should guard our modesty, yes we shouldn't upload our pictures on instagram, facebook, twitter etc.

But you, should lower your gaze. Stop putting the blame on women.

You should lower your gaze regardless wherever you are. I know it's hard. But it's gonna be easy IF you practice it and if you're determined to lower your gaze for the sake of pleasing Him. (that's a true practicing muslim)
and you should know that lowering your gaze does not apply when you are at the streets only. It should be applied to social networking as well.

By that I mean,
you don't follow random woman (strangers to be exact)
you don't follow and like and stalk and save their pictures.
even if they post islamic tweets or pictures or whatever, you know they're still gonna upload pictures whether it's their own picture or other woman.

And I know there are some whatsapp groups or so called halaqah group on whatsapp that have both men and women interacting with each other proclaiming that they're helping each other with their deen and helping each other to remember Him. Oh please, if you are truly a man of your deen, you will leave the group.

I'm sorry I just had enough of men telling us to behave. Maybe it's time for you to check on yourselves now.
This fitnah, this women is the biggest fitnah to men, does not mean that we (women) have to do the main role in making sure that you (men) will not involve in this fitnah. In making sure that non of us is involved, both have to be responsible in protecting and guarding ourselves from such fitnah. You have to behave and control yourselves, and we do what we are supposed to do.

I seriously don't feel safe in trusting men these days. They might seem religious or a practicing muslim or maybe not, but in their facebook twitter instagram account, they might follow random beautiful women and been feeding their eyes and nafs by looking at these gorgeous ladies and yet they're still telling women to cover their aurah and all that. [read: the word is might. so this cannot be applied to all men. maybe to some. read again, maybe to some]

You know, if you don't wanna see pictures of women on your instagram account or twitter or wherever, you can simply click on the unfollow button. It's as simple as that. It's up to you to do it or not.

I think I've heard somewhere or maybe I read somewhere, if a man can control himself before marriage, you can count on him after you get married to him. So yeah, just something that I feel the need to let it out of my chest.

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