Wednesday, 21 May 2014

Feeling, an emotional state or reaction

When it comes to feeling, it's something we can't control. I believe feelings are from Him. It's there because of Him. because ya know, He's the One who holds our hearts. and the feeling won't be there if He does not allow it. It's there because He allows it to be there. I'm talking about positive feelings of course, not negative ones.

and feelings too can be deleted easily by His will and by His help. It's proven though. Long time ago, I once had this feeling to one guy, and my mother taught me to pray istikharah to see if he's the right person for me (that was the first time I prayed istikharah btw) and guess what, the next day, the burden that I felt in my heart was gone. The feeling magically disappeared just like that. From that I know he was not the one for me (thank God)

when it comes to feelings, just pray to Allah whether to make it stay or disappear. you can also pray to Allah to make the negative feelings disappear. This is because, according to the story told by Habib Ali, Rasulullah had a wife named Ummu Salamah (Hindun) and she was a jealous person. and so, Rasulullah prayed to Allah to take away her jealousy and she wasn't that jealous anymore after that. Please do not hesitate to correct me if I'm wrong about this story as this is what I wrote in my notebook.

As for me, when it comes to feeling, I will always depend on Him. Because I'm scared of getting my heart broken again. And I'm scared of falling for the wrong guy. You can pretty much say that I've had enough and I've learnt my lesson. and thus, whenever I start to even have a crush on someone, I will pray istikharah, and I will do it so many times until I get the signs from Him. Most of the signs that I get are through feelings.

One fact you should know about istikharah. When you pray istikharah, you're putting your trust in Him, you trust Him as your decision maker, you trust Him to make the best decision for you, and you want His help to know what is the best for you. Bottom line, you just trust Him.

I really wanna suggest you, especially girls to always pray istikharah when it comes to feeling. You don't wanna get your heart broken again don't you? so try to depend on Him. Starting with this :) and trust me, when you pray istikharah, you know that He's the One who will handle your affairs. So by that, if the guy that you're praying istikharah for, is not the right person for you, you'll be okay, because you've already put your trust in Him and you know he's not for you because He says so and He knows what's best for you. Who else knows you the best and understands you the most besides your Maker, right? ;)

Just make sure when you make istikharah, to use the do'a for istikharah. If you don't memorise it, you can just say it in your language :)

Just wanted to share something. I really hope it will benefit you :)

1 comment:

  1. True indeed. Bila buat istikharah hati rasa lebih tenang, lebih terarah :)

    Btw, nice sharing fatin. Bermanfaat insyaAllah. Jzkk.
